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Bringing the green inside

What a resurgence indoor plants have had recently. I used to say that plants were a poor excuse for decorating but I’ve completely changed my perspective and am loving having more of the bright green stuff inside. My challenge is keeping it alive.

Did you know that there is more to plants indoors than just looking pretty though? Some of the benefits include

- removing volatile compounds (VOC’s are common compounds emitted into the air by everyday items such as furniture, carpets, scented candles and appliances) from the air including ozone and carbon dioxide

- plants turn carbon dioxide into oxygen, meaning air quality is drastically improved

- natural humidifiers

- stress reduction and of course they are pleasing to the eye

- they can reduce airborne dust levels

- keeping air temperatures down

As it turns out some of the hardiest and easiest to care for plants are among the most effective at cleaning the air - spider plant, rubber plant, snake plant (also known as Mother in Law’s Tongue) are readily available from nurseries.

Consider the position for access to light, size and scale, leaf colour and pot options so your plant/s provide a beautiful and practical focal point in your rooms, and don't forget to water following their provided instructions.


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