With Autumn really kicking in here in the Southern Hemisphere many of us are thinking of making our homes cozy and ready for the cooler weather - perhaps adding or updating our throws for the bed, for use by the TV or curling up whilst reading a book or magazine.
Something to consider is the longevity and fibre choice in your throw. There are so many beautiful options and of course the costs can vary widely. I am a huge fan of natural fibres including wool, alpaca, mohair, cashmere (for real luxury), cotton, bamboo or a combination of these. Natural fibres are able to retain warmth but also breath so as you warm up you don’t get overheated.
On the flip side, man-made fibres are essentially different types of plastics - polyester, nylon, acrylic are some of the common threads. Not only do you ingest these fibres as they shed from the blanket, they are not easily recycled and are often short use items, not helping the cause of sustainability and waste reduction.
We have amazing woollen providers and purchasing Australian Made is helping our economy - win-win. Many are also using recycled wool and have programs to give back in their local communities, as well as supporting our wool farmers. These items may be a long term investment and make the best 21st birthday or wedding gifts as well.
You might like to check out Waverley Mills, Grampian Goods Co., St Albans, Seljak online or if you prefer buying at the shops, read the label to check the fabric content before heading to the sales desk.